Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

My Daily activity

 Nama : Fajar setiawan
 kelas  : 1ea41
 npm   : 13214883                                                     

                                                                   DAILY ACTIVITY

I woke up at 5 am, after I woke up I immediately pray my prayers at dawn after dawn I ate breakfast in the living room with the family, and after that I showered and at 6 am I was preparing a book or a task that will be taken for college diuniversitas Gunadarma after already ready for college I was watching television while drinking coffee, at 8 o'clock I drove my sister to school after that I went to college at the University Gunadarma. 

At 5pm I finished studying at university Gunadarma usually after college I did not immediately return home I usually gather with friends at cafe or play a friend's house, I used to come home that night around 9 pm, after I got home I took a shower to clean up before sleep and eat with the family living room, and at 12 o'clock at night I watch tv until morning or if there is a task I usually send in pursuit of her and I suppose there is repetition of learning but if there is no repetition of tasks or related to the course, I play cards or sit at pos while having coffee with my friends and I usually sleep at 3 am.

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